HPSC Post Graduate Teachers Result 2024 – Final Result Released
Name of the Post: HPSC PGT 2024 Final Result Released
Post Date: 24-07-2024
Latest Update: 31-01-2025
Information about post: Individuals with an interest in applying for the HPSC Post Graduate Teachers Result 2024 – Final Result Released are invited to apply for the posts. To ensure eligibility and gather essential details about the recruitment process, candidates are advised to carefully read the official notification. This post provides comprehensive information on eligibility criteria, post details, selection procedures, age limits, pay scales, and other pertinent details related to the available positions. Don’t miss out on this opportunity and stay informed by reviewing the notification thoroughly before applying.

Application Fee
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Important Dates Re Open Dates:
Old Dates :
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Age Limit (as on 14-08-2024)
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Vacancy Details | |
Post Name | Total |
Post Graduate Teacher (PGT) | 3069 |
Interested Candidates Can Read the Full Notification Before Apply Online | |
Important Links | |
Final Result (31-01-2025) | Advt No. 26/2024 |
Subject Knowledge Admit Card (15-01-2025) | Advt No. |
Subject Knowledge Test Date (27-12-2024) | Advt No. |
Subject Knowledge Test Result (26-12-2024) | Advt No. | |
Roll. No Wise Marks for 28/2024 (20-12-2024) | Advt No. |
Screening Test Result (12-12-2024) | Advt No. | | |
Provisionally List (07-12-2024) | Advt No. |
Final Rejection List (06-12-2024) | Advt No. |
Provisionally allowed Candidates list for Interview (30-11-2024) | Advt No. |
Rejection List for 18/2024 (23-11-2024) | | |
Roll. No Wise Marks for 37/2024 (27-11-2024) | |
File Objection Notice (26-11-2024) | Advt No. |
Interview Schedule (25-11-2024) | Advt No. |
Final Marks (22-11-2024) | |
Final Rejection List (21-11-2024) | Advt No. |
Detailed Screening Test/ Subject Knowledge Test Date (20-11-2024) | Advt No. |
Interview/ Viva voce Schedule (19-11-2024) | Advt No. |
Provisionally Rejection List (18-11-2024) | Advt No. |
Provisionally Rejection List (15-11-2024) | Advt No. | |
Screening Test Admit Card (13-11-2024) | Advt No. |
Detailed Screening Test Date (13-11-2024) | Advt No. |
Subject Knowledge Test Date Notice | Advt No. |
Final Rejection List (12-11-2024) | Advt No. | |
Interview Schedule for Advt No. 32/2024 (09-11-2024) | |
Final Result (08-11-2024) | Advt No. |
Subject Knowledge Test Admit Card (07-11-2024) | Advt No. |
Provisionally Rejection List (06-11-2024) | Advt No. |
Detailed Subject Knowledge Test Date (05-11-2024) | Advt No. |
Screening Test Result (29-10-2024) | Advt No. | |
Provisional Rejection List for Advt No. 34/2024 (28-10-2024) | |
Screening Test Postponed for Advt No. 21, 22, 25/2024 (22-10-2024) | |
Objection Notice (18-10-2024) | Advt No. |
Interview Schedule (17-10-2024) | |
Re-scheduled Screening Test Date (16-10-2024) | Advt No. |
Subject Knowledge Test Result (15-10-2024) | Advt No. | | | | | | | | | | |
Screening Test Admit Card (10-10-2024) | |
Screening Test Detailed Exam Date (10-10-2024) | Advt No. |
Final Rejection List (03-10-2024) | Advt No. |
Rejection list (26-09-2024) | Advt No. | |
Interview/ Viva Voce Date (24-09-2024) | Advt No. | |
Subject Knowledge Test Admit Card for 28, 34, 37/2024 (19-09-2024) | | |
Skill Test Admit Card for Advt No. 23,29,31,27,30,24,35,36,32,14,15,18 & 33/2024 (11-09-2024) | |
Skill Test Result for Advt No. 23, 29 & 30/2024 (09-09-2024) | | | |
Skill Test Admit Card for Advt No. 23, 29 & 30/2024 (05-09-2024) | | |
Subject Knowledge Test Date for PGT (Home Science) (26-08-2024) | |
Re Open Apply Online (18-08-2024) | |
Re Open Dates (18-08-2024) | |
Screening Test & Subject Knowledge Test Date (17-08-2024) | |
Notice (10-08-2024) | |
Syllabus (31-07-2024) | |
Corrigendum for Advt No. 34/2024 (26-07-2024) | |
Apply Online (25-07-2024) | |
Notification | |
Official Website | |
Join Telegram Channel | Click Here |
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